N. Island
S. Island
NZ Bred Expts
NZ Grand Champs
For further information regarding the BOXER featured click on photo and It will take your direct to the Owner/Breeders Kennel
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All Golden Great Boxers are in Date Of Birth Order From 1965 to 1985
Ch Glenmorne Jucinta
Sire: Aust & NZ Ch Kerribrook Old Catton Dam: NZ Ch Con Frolik Dashing Lady
Date whelped: 18.03.1977
Owner/breeder: M & B Parker
BISS: The Boxer Club Judge Roland Adamneck, Hawaii
BISS: Wellington & Districts Boxer Club Judge Max Carr, NSW, Australia
Res BIS A/B Kapi Mana Kennel Society (with 1123 entries)
Aust/NZ Ch Assisi Summer Splurge (Imp Aust)
Paddy pictured at 10.3/4yrs
Sire: Ch Gremlin Summer Spree (Imp UK) Dam: Ch Assisi Hey Nice Notion
Date whelped: May 1978
Owner: J & J Jarvis Breeder: Colin and Valerie Tourelle
8 Speciality BISS
BOB Melbourne Royal - Entry of Boxers 180
Grandsire of Zanduke's 5 Grand Champions
NZ Champion Assisi Sprees Mr Magic
Sire: Ch Gremlin Summer Spree (Imp UK) Dam: NZ Ch Assisi Hey Nice Notion
Date whelped: 1979
Owner/Breeder: Colin Bradley/Dr & Mrs Tourelle
Jack won 27 Best in Shows In both the North & South Islands of NZ
Jack sired many Champion progeny Jacks pedigree is behind all Denem boxers right up to this present day
Ch Glenmorne Rebel Rouser
Sire: Aust. Ch Phoenix Jason Argonaut Dam: Ch Glenmorne Bobbi Sox
Date whelped: 27 May 1984
Owner/breeder: M & B Parker
BISS The Boxer Club Judge Ann Ingram Tirkane Boxers, Ireland
RBISS Wellington & Districts Boxer Club Judge Lorraine Meyers My-R Boxers, Illinois, USA (Beaten by his sister for BIS)
RBISS Wellington & Districts Boxer Club Judge Dorothy Hatt, NZ
(beaten by his sister for BIS)
BIS All Breeds Judge Dennis Glackin, NSW, Australia
RBIS All Breeds Judge: John Loftus, Canada
RBIS All Breeds Judge: Ross Northy-Smith, NSW Australia
RBIS All Breeds Judge: Ivor Snaith, SA, Australia
RBIS All Breeds Judge: Graeme Bennett, NZ
NZ Ch Glenmorne Raisin Kane
Sire: Aust. Ch Phoenix Jason Argonaut Dam: Ch Glenmorne Bobbi Sox
Date whelped: 27 May 1984
Owner/breeder: M & B Parker
At 12 months of age Stacey had won 16 Puppy of Groups 12 Puppy in Shows and 6 Best of Groups
BIS A/B Judge Peter Nordstrom, NSW, Australia
BIS A/B Judge Tom Howe, NSW, Australia
RBIS A/B Judge Margaret Spivey, NZ
RBIS A/B Judge Erica Clarke, Leinster Boxers, NZ
BISS Wellington & Districts Boxer Club Judge Lorraine Meyer My-Boxers, Illinios, USA
BISS Wellington & Districts Boxer Club Judge Dorothy Hatt, NZ
RBISS Wellington & Districts Boxer Club Judge Jack Ray, Letomi Boxers, Victoria, Australia
Champion Denem Dressed 'T' Command
Sire: UK Champion Marbleton Dressed to Kill Dam: Junior Warrant Holder Marbleton Fortune Cookie Imp UK
Date whelped: 1985
Owner: The late L Batt Ara-akiwa Boxers Breeder: C Bradley & H Proctor
Commando's dam was mated to Dressed to Kill in the UK Then imported into NZ where she whelped a litter of 4 puppies Later these 4 puppies became Champions One in NZ and the other three in Australia
Commando won Best in Show at the Boxer Clubs Silver Jubilee show With a record entry on that day
Commando was also a Best in Show winner
He was also a fine producer
Golden Great Pages