S. Island
NZ Bred Expts
NZ Grand Champs
Golden Greats 1965-1985
For further information regarding the BOXER featured click on photo and It will take your direct to the Owner/Breeders Kennel
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BIS/BISS CH Antron Jack Daniels
Sire: Red Leader Of Winuwuk (Imp UK) Dam: Antron Double Delicious
Date whelped: 12.11.1993
Owner/Breeder Sylvia Gosse
BIS 1997 - All Breeds Tauranga Kennel Assn Judge: Mr A Goodwin (Vic) Australia
BIS 1996 All Breeds Ruahine Kennel Assn Judge: Mr W Hoffman (Act) Australia
BISS 1996 Wellington & Districts Boxers Club Judge: Mrs B Leininger (USA)
JD is now enjoying his retirement.
Champion Denem Once In A Blue Moon
Sire: Sjecoin Just Showin Off (Imp Aus) Dam: NZ Gr Ch Denem Action Packed
Date whelped: 1993
Owner/breeder: Colin Bradley
Martina was a multi group winner at all levels She also won Best in Show at Non Sporting/Utility Show Which qualified her for Top Non Sporting/Utility dog of the year awards
She went onto become a great producer for Denem Boxers
BIS BISS Ch Valeska Midnight
Sire: Roimac First Encounter (Sired by Norwatch Sunhawk Commotion (Imp UK) Dam: Siaradus Singin N The Rain
Date whelped: 18.11.1994
Owner/breeder Owned by Lloyd and Nicole Harrison Bred by Lloyd Harrison
BISS under Tim Hutchings (UK) being the highlight of her career
Also Mother/Dam of both Aust Ch Valeska Midnite N Georgia Who had a great career in Australia with Vicki Shaw And Valeska Midnite Rondevu Who has had a good show and stud career in India
BIS/BISS New Zealand/Australian CH Antron Export Gold
Sire: Glenfall Castaway (Imp UK) ex Ch Tyegarth Famouse Grouse
Dam: Rachell Of Kitemaunga
Date whelped: 11.5.1996
Owner/Breeder Sylvia Gosse
BISS 1997 The Boxer Club Judge: Mrs K Steele (Singapore)
BIS (All Breeds) Franklin Kennel Ass Judge: Mr M Hill (Canada)
Reserve Runner up To Best In Show 6th Australian National Boxer Specialty Sydney, Australia 1998
Dog Challenge
Intermediate In Show
Judge: Mrs Inga Gerwin (Germany) 282 Entries
Now in Retirement
North Island Boxer Pages